I'M ENGAGED!! I know how it can kinda stink to hear these engagement stories when you're still single, trust me I was there for a long time. I'm sharing this story with you because I KNOW it's possibl...
We're bringing back my love Iain Roberts for another episode to give his perspective on Gumball Love, and how so many of us became attracted to Gumball People.
When we think about our childhoods and ...
You're having a fun night on a date, or maybe a night out, and it's come to that moment when you're wondering whether you should go back to his place or have him come back to yours for sex or not.
An avid listener of the Gumball Love Podcast, Jolie reached out to me via email after listening to the episodes describing the different flavors of attention addiction. I was so impressed with how she...
After hearing this content about Gumball Love and attention addiction for a while, many of you come to me in the DMs worried that YOU are actually a Gumball Girl.
Most of the time, you are not. Somet...
When you're in a new relationship or just starting to go on a few dates with a guy, do you ever feel like you're being evaluated against some checklist on a clipboard?
He says things like, "When you ...
"Work is so crazy right now, but we should meet up soon." -text from a guy, probably sitting on his couch, who wants the Purple Gumball
If you're new to Gumball Love, welcome! Gumball Love is a conce...
Welcome back! If you haven't been following the Gumball Colors series, I'm going through all eight colors of the flavors of Gumball Love. If you're brand new to Gumball Love, Gumball Love is the addic...
In the past few episodes, I've been going over the different gumball "flavors" or different types of attention that Gumball Guys crave so that you can start to watch out for the red flags.
The Red Gu...
Does it feel like you always have to be entertaining your guy, or he's bored?
A while back I'd started a series assigning a different color or "flavor of attention" to each type of Gumball Guy.
Why does he come back? How do I get through a break up? Is there life after being sexually assaulted? What are the most important values I look for in a man? What questions do I ask on a first d...
What flavor of attention does he crave? Once you can pinpoint this you will be able to decode all of his behavior effortlessly.
In this episode we talk not only about romantic relationships b...