The Blue Gumball: Pity Me
Nov 29, 2020
Welcome back! If you haven't been following the Gumball Colors series, I'm going through all eight colors of the flavors of Gumball Love. If you're brand new to Gumball Love, Gumball Love is the addiction to attention, or to the rush that attention gives us.
I suggest if you haven't already, start back at the beginning of the series and listen to the first four colors before moving on to this one. The links are at the bottom of this post for quick access.
This episode is about the Blue Gumball, or as I like to call it, "Pity Me". This is the guy (or person, if it's one of your friends or family members), who is always complaining about everything and wants your constant sympathy and pity. You try and give them advice, but they never take action on anything. They just want to hear themselves complain.
We all have our low moments where sometimes we just want to vent, and we just need a pep talk. But there is a difference between this, and the unhealthy attention addiction.
I break this down further in the episode, as well as how to spot when a guy wants a Blue Gumball, and when you are giving the Blue Gumball. I also offer suggestions about how to respond to the Blue Gumball, immediately shutting it down so you're not giving away your precious energy, love and nurturing to someone who will actually receive and appreciate it.
If you think you're dealing with a Gumball Guy and feeling stuck, sad, confused, alone...PLEASE don't hesitate to book a call with me! I promise I'm not scary:) No situation is too messy...I love the mess! Check the links below to get in touch!
Work with Melissa
Need help stopping the cycle of toxic relationships, living happily single, and finding true love? If you're tired of being the only person in your friend group who's not in a healthy, happy relationship, I can help you! Here's how:
- The Level Up for Love one-on-one coaching package, which includes taking the Gumball Love Assessment and Relationship Analysis, four coaching sessions with Melissa and one coaching session with Iain and Melissa as a couple, or
- Join the VIP Private Facebook Group
- Follow Melissa on Instagram: @melissajaneroberts
Other Suggested Episodes:
- The Red Gumball: Sex
- The Orange Gumball: Drama
- The Yellow Gumball: Entertain Me
- The Green Gumball: Compete with Her for Me