Are you nervous to take that step to TRULY be single, totally off the dating apps, and just focus on getting to know and love yourself? My past client Brittany is the perfect example of why doing this...
Courtney was a single mom with two kids, divorced for six years, single for five, who was successful in all other areas of her life like friendships, career, and health...but her love life suffered. U...
Coaching results, 4 years later! Kristy didn't want to get a coach. She said, "I'm smart, I am successful, I should be able to figure this out." When her best friend told her, "We can't keep having th...
Like many women approaching their 40's and still single, Lauren was feeling anxious, lonely, and grieving the fact that she may never get married or have kids. She was stuck in a pattern of dating the...
I am officially Mrs. Melissa Roberts!! After 20 years of searching for the right one and the trials and tribulations of dating many WRONG ones, I'm so proud to be a first time bride at 45. So many of ...
Are you struggling with self worth, self love, and confidence? Christina Lecuyer was a beautiful professional golfer who seemed to have everything going for her..looks, fame, money, a relationship..bu...
The right thing to do is often the harder thing to do. I'm celebrating a client this week who decided it's time to choose herself and stop settling. I know making this kind of decision often doesn't f...
You've likely heard of the three attachment styles: secure, anxious, and avoidant, but we don't hear enough about the fourth: Ambivalent Attachment.
If your guy seems really intense in the beginning,...
A lot of coaches out there will tell you feeling butterflies around a new guy is a bad sign, because it means your nervous system is recognizing danger. This just isn't totally true, butterflies CAN a...
This episode was inspired by a listener who messaged me about her situation. She says the guy is not a Gumball Guy, he's nice and he loves her, but there's other issues...she noticed he has anxious at...
Are you dating with a sense of urgency and a timeline?
If you ask any happily married couple if they had a sense of urgency to find the one when they met each other, most of them will probably say n...
Not attracting the quality men you're looking for on the dating sites? In this episode, I give you my proven top tips for improving your online dating profile and the first couple interactions to coll...