When Should You Have Sex with Him?
Aug 08, 2021
You're having a fun night on a date, or maybe a night out, and it's come to that moment when you're wondering whether you should go back to his place or have him come back to yours for sex or not.
While I can't make this decision for you and would never try to, I do want to give you a few questions to ask yourself before making the decision and to really think about.
We'll also talk about the real reason why guys ghost after sex-- it's often not having anything to do with you, and everything to do with them.
Work with Melissa
Need help stopping the cycle of toxic relationships, living happily single, and finding true love? If you're tired of being the only person in your friend group who's not in a healthy, happy relationship, I can help you! Here's how:
- The Level Up for Love one-on-one coaching package, which includes taking the Gumball Love Assessment and Relationship Analysis, four coaching sessions with Melissa and one coaching session with Iain and Melissa as a couple, or
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- Follow Melissa on Instagram: @melissajaneroberts