The Green Gumball: Compete with Her for Me
Nov 22, 2020
In the past few episodes, I've been going over the different gumball "flavors" or different types of attention that Gumball Guys crave so that you can start to watch out for the red flags.
The Red Gumball is all about sex, the Orange is all about stirring up drama, the Yellow wants you to constantly be entertaining him and keeping your attention on him, and now, we come to the Green Gumball guy: Green with Envy, Compete with Her for Me.
This is the guy who you'll be sitting with at your first or second date and he says, "I've gone on a few dates with this other girl, and I really thought she was it for me, but now that I've met you...I really like you too. I'm just not sure."
Just imagine, how do you feel in that moment?
You may feel the sudden urge to prove yourself worthy. Prove that YOU'RE the right choice, and start to compete with her. And that's exactly what gives him the high.
Or, you might be at a restaurant with him on a date, and he starts flirting with the waitress to see your reaction and make you jealous.
You may start to think..."What does she have that I don't?" and start comparing yourself to her.
Know that none of what he does is about you. It is HIS insecurity, and he's just manipulating you and trying to get a reaction so he can feel better about himself.
In this episode, I give you all the red flags of a Green Gumball, how to respond when you're on a date with one or in a relationship with one, and how to stop going after these types of guys.
Work with Melissa
Need help stopping the cycle of toxic relationships, living happily single, and finding true love? If you're tired of being the only person in your friend group who's not in a healthy, happy relationship, I can help you! Here's how:
- The Level Up for Love one-on-one coaching package, which includes taking the Gumball Love Assessment and Relationship Analysis, four coaching sessions with Melissa and one coaching session with Iain and Melissa as a couple, or
- Join the VIP Private Facebook Group
- Follow Melissa on Instagram: @melissajaneroberts