The Purple Gumball: Chase Me attention addiction dating advice dating coach gumball guy gumball love self worth Dec 06, 2020

"Work is so crazy right now, but we should meet up soon." -text from a guy, probably sitting on his couch, who wants the Purple Gumball

If you're new to Gumball Love, welcome! Gumball Love is a conce...

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The Green Gumball: Compete with Her for Me attention addiction gumball guy gumball love jealousy Nov 22, 2020

In the past few episodes, I've been going over the different gumball "flavors" or different types of attention that Gumball Guys crave so that you can start to watch out for the red flags.

The Red Gu...

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The Yellow Gumball Guy: Entertain ME attention addiction gumball guy red flags Nov 15, 2020

Does it feel like you always have to be entertaining your guy, or he's bored?

A while back I'd started a series assigning a different color or "flavor of attention" to each type of Gumball Guy.


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5 signs to tell early on if he's the wrong one [Podcast Episode 43] blog dating advice gumball guy podcast singles Sep 02, 2019

Are you confident in being able to distinguish between a good guy and a Gumball Guy on your own? How long does it take you to determine he's not the right one? After this podcast, you'll have a bloodh...

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When He Does a 180 [Podcast] blog dating advice gumball guy podcast self love Jul 17, 2019

You can also download and subscribe to this podcast for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify.


Special Announcement- Don't forget!

The Gumball Love Podcast is registered to be no...

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