When He Does a 180 [Podcast]
Jul 17, 2019
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Special Announcement- Don't forget!
The Gumball Love Podcast is registered to be nominated for the People's Choice Podcast Awards 2019. If you've benefited from the message of this podcast and would like more people to hear it, please head to the bottom of this blog post for information on how to nominate the podcast. I would appreciate it SO much!
You're dating a guy and things are going great. You're having fun, maybe you've met his family, it seems like things are getting really serious.
But then he does a complete 180. He goes cold, doesn't answer text messages. Or he says "I think we should just be friends."
You start thinking maybe you've done something wrong. You become obsessive, looking at old text message threads to see if it was something you've said.
But this is the Gumball Guy my friends. He was playing a part all this time and now he's hiding because he's insecure, he knows if you see the real him then you'll leave. Because you are THAT AMAZING.
I go deep in this episode on why the Gumball Guy acts this way, the red flags to look out for, and what qualities a GOOD guy will have that you can look for in the beginning stages of dating.
Work with Melissa
Need help stopping the cycle of toxic relationships, living happily single, and finding true love? If you're tired of being the only person in your friend group who's not in a healthy, happy relationship, I can help you! Here's how:
- The Level Up for Love one-on-one coaching package, which includes taking the Gumball Love Assessment and Relationship Analysis, four coaching sessions with Melissa and one coaching session with Iain and Melissa as a couple, or
- Join the VIP Private Facebook Group
- Follow Melissa on Instagram: @melissajaneroberts