He's a Nice Guy, But Is He The One? attachment styles breakups relationship advice Jun 06, 2022

This episode was inspired by a listener who messaged me about her situation. She says the guy is not a Gumball Guy, he's nice and he loves her, but there's other issues...she noticed he has anxious at...

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How to Stop the Cycle of Rejection and Pain dating advice dating after 30 dating anxiety ghosting online dating relationship advice Mar 14, 2022

In this episode we're talking about why you're in the cycle of rejection and pain, why that pain of rejection is so great, and how to stop the cycle.

If you continue to find yourself meeting guys who...

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I'm Engaged! What it Feels like to Know for Sure attention addiction dating advice gumball love relationship advice Mar 01, 2022

I'M ENGAGED!! I know how it can kinda stink to hear these engagement stories when you're still single, trust me I was there for a long time. I'm sharing this story with you because I KNOW it's possibl...

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Does He Have the Capacity to Love? dating advice gumball guy gumball love relationship advice Jul 15, 2021

When we've dated Gumball Guys in the past, often it's daunting and scary to get back into dating because we've been burned before. We're a bit jaded and skeptical that all guys are jerks.

Well, hinds...

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What Does it Really Mean to be "Ready for Love"? dating advice dating coach gumball love relationship advice relationship coach Jul 01, 2021

How do you know if you are "ready for love"? The depiction of love and romance in Hollywood movies certainly sets the wrong expectations for us around what healthy love, dating and relationships look ...

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Do You Have an Anxious Attachment Style in Relationships? attachment styles healing relationship advice Sep 20, 2020

"My longterm mission is to help as many people as possible get healthy themselves, find healthy partners, and have healthy children." -Melissa Leger

"How you formed an attachment to your caregivers i...

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Girl on Fire with Cara Alwill Leyba cara alwill leyba dating advice female entrepreneur girl code girl on fire gumball love podcast relationship advice self love the champagne diet Nov 11, 2019

I'm SO excited to be collaborating again with my good friend, mentor, and inspiration in so many ways, Cara Alwill Leyba from The Champagne Diet. Cara is a female empowerment coach, blogger, podcast h...

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Is He Falling in Love or Full of BS? [Podcast EP 52] dating advice dating expert gumball love relationship advice relationship expert self love singles advice Nov 04, 2019

How do you know if he's really falling in love? How do you know if the guy on the other side of the screen is really looking for true connection or if he's full of crap? In this episode, we're talking...

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Does He Need the Chase? (And big announcement!!) [Podcast EP 51] breakups dating advice dating coach dating expert gumball love marriage advice podcast red flags relationship advice relationship coach relationship expert self care self love singles advice Oct 28, 2019

Today I will be announcing a BIG EXCITING announcement about the Back to YOU Academy and membership program!! Listen in for details:D

Also, I'll be addressing an interesting thing a dude said to one ...

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The Biggest Lie We're Told As Women [Podcast EP 50] cheating dating advice gumball love red flags relationship advice Oct 23, 2019

Why do men cheat? The answers to this question that you'll find online or that a cheater will tell you are the biggest lies we are told as women. The answers are made to make us feel as though we are ...

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My friend is dating a jerk, how can I help her? [Podcast EP 49] break up dating advice dating expert dating jerks get over him gumball love healing red flags relationship advice Oct 14, 2019

Sometimes we'd do more to help our friends than we do to help ourselves. We have the best intentions and think we're helping her get over this jerk guy she's dating, but sometimes we're actually makin...

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Why do we always attract the wrong guy? [Podcast EP 48] dating advice gumball love healing red flags relationship advice self care self love singles Oct 07, 2019

Why do we date the wrong guy over and over again? I've covered a lot in the past about why the bad guys (the Gumball Guys) act the way they do, but it's time to talk about YOU. There's two people invo...

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