When Should You Have Sex with Him? attention addiction gumball guy gumball love sex talk Aug 08, 2021

You're having a fun night on a date, or maybe a night out, and it's come to that moment when you're wondering whether you should go back to his place or have him come back to yours for sex or not.


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Did you have sex too soon? [Podcast] blog dating advice podcast relationship advice sex talk singles Jun 20, 2019

You had sex on the first date.  What does it mean?  What if he is still texting? Do you need to explain yourself? Feel bad?  In this episode we talk about this from all aspects giving you a perspec...

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Q & A: How many dates till sex? Are Texts better/worse than phone calls? [Podcast] blog dating advice podcast relationship advice sex talk singles Jun 20, 2019

One listener asked a bunch of questions in the private Facebook group and I decided to answer them right here and many more.   Dating has become more convenient but it seems never more confusing.  ...

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