Q&A, breakups, drugs, alcohol, sexual assault, and why he comes back [Podcast] attention addiction blog breakups dating advice gumball love healing podcast q&a Jun 30, 2019

Why does he come back?  How do I get through a break up? Is there life after being sexually assaulted?  What are the most important values I look for in a man?  What questions do I ask on a first d...

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Sex and the City, Q&A, and calming dating anxiety [Podcast] dating advice dating anxiety gumball love q&a rejection Jun 30, 2019

In this episode I answer your questions about dating, anxiety, dealing with rejection and breadcrumbers and my thoughts on Sex and the City after binging on it recently.   


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Are you really being rejected? [Podcast] blog dating advice gumball love healing podcast relationship advice singles Jun 28, 2019

When you feel like you are being rejected, often you have your expectations too high for that person.  You want them to be more but when they fall short, it can feel like rejection.  Whether it's f...

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How Long Will it Take to Get Over Him? [Podcast] blog get over your ex gumball love healing podcast Jun 19, 2019


Analogy #1: The Ducks and the Swans

Do you ever go to the park and see two ducks thrashing around, flailing their wings, making loud noises and disturbing the peace of the rest of the pond co...

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When you need to let him go but you can't [Podcast] blog breakups dating advice get over your ex gumball love healing inspiration podcast relationship advice Jun 19, 2019

He's bad for you, you know what the right thing is to do, but for some reason you feel stuck.  You can't think during the day, you listen to love songs and keep wondering why it can't be with him. ...

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Is he really interested in YOU, or is he just craving attention? [Podcast] attention addiction blog emotional abuse gumball love podcast Jun 19, 2019

What flavor of attention does he crave?   Once you can pinpoint this you will be able to decode all of his behavior effortlessly.   

In this episode we talk not only about romantic relationships b...

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Why Should I Block Him? [Podcast] blog breakups get over your ex gumball love healing podcast Jun 18, 2019


This episode gets raw and real about why and when to block your ex.  We go through it all from texting threads, pictures and stalking his social media.  Get ready. 


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How Losing 30 Pounds, Ballroom Dancing, and Rebranding Changed Everything [Podcast] blog gumball love inspiration podcast self love Jun 13, 2019


After dropping 30 lbs, losing my dog Maggie, Rebranding Gumball Love, Ballroom dancing, performing on Broadway, changing my full-time job and the launch of my first two 8- week academies…it’s ti...

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New Relationship Anxiety: What's the Fear Really About? [Podcast] blog gumball love inspiration podcast self love Jun 13, 2019


"I met a new guy, and I'm scared."

You've met a new guy. He's nice, mature, handsome...all the things, and you're scared. You're scared he won't like you, or that he will end up being another G...

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How to Get Over Your Ex [Podcast] blog gumball love inspiration podcast self love Jun 12, 2019


Are you over your ex?  

Or are you obsessing over him?  Has it been weeks, months or even years?  Melissa will break this down in a way you have never heard before.   You will never think of yo...
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What is Gumball Love? [Podcast] blog gumball love podcast Jun 12, 2019


What is Gumball Love?

Gumball Love is a brand-new concept that will literally change how you look at dating and relationships forever. Tune into this episode as Melissa goes deep into this form...

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