Body Confidence and Radical Self Love with Alexandra Sempek (Coach Ali) body image self care self love Oct 27, 2021

Do you feel like lacking confidence in your body is holding you back from having success in dating? 

Today I chat with Coach Ali, who was literally MADE to empower women in body confidence and self l...

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Stop Beating Yourself Up Over Mistakes self love Sep 05, 2021

You have to stop shaming and judging yourself for staying with the wrong guy, even though you see the red flags now. Period!

In this episode we answer the question...why do we feel so dumb for stayin...

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How to Break Free from Toxic Thought Patterns gumball love self love self worth trauma healing Jun 17, 2021

You may have heard someone say at some point in your life, "thoughts are things."

This saying took on a whole new meaning for me after listening to The Ed Mylette Show episode with Dr. Caroline Leaf....

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Should You Leave Him? flavors of gumball love get over him gumball love red flags self care self love Jun 03, 2021

This episode is dedicated to all you out there who are currently in a relationship, and starting to consider if this relationship is no longer healthy for you and if you should leave.

It's a scary pl...

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Are You Giving Too Much to the Wrong People? boundaries self love Jan 24, 2021

"Boundaries" seems to be quite a buzzword these days, but I know it's something we all struggle with and it can be very misunderstood, so we're going to break it down here! 

When we hear "boundaries"...

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Soni Pelty Left an Abusive Marriage, Discovered Herself, and Found Real Love dating advice dating single mother divorce leaving marriage self love self worth singles Nov 03, 2020

If you are currently considering leaving your marriage, going through a divorce, or wondering how to get back into dating after divorce, you're gonna want to listen to this episode for some serious in...

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Will he complete me? Finding what makes YOUR heart sing finding yourself get over him get over your ex self love self worth Oct 11, 2020

Are you sitting there, waiting to find someone to "complete" you?

Do you feel like your life won't really begin, or you can't let it begin, without finding "The One"?

Are you feeling purposeless and...

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I'm doing everything right...where is he?! dating advice finding love self love singles Sep 13, 2020

I'm back after a podcasting hiatus! 2020 has been full of twists and turns as we all know, and I wanted to give you the full rundown on what's been going on in my life behind the scenes. In this episo...

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Girl on Fire with Cara Alwill Leyba cara alwill leyba dating advice female entrepreneur girl code girl on fire gumball love podcast relationship advice self love the champagne diet Nov 11, 2019

I'm SO excited to be collaborating again with my good friend, mentor, and inspiration in so many ways, Cara Alwill Leyba from The Champagne Diet. Cara is a female empowerment coach, blogger, podcast h...

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Is He Falling in Love or Full of BS? [Podcast EP 52] dating advice dating expert gumball love relationship advice relationship expert self love singles advice Nov 04, 2019

How do you know if he's really falling in love? How do you know if the guy on the other side of the screen is really looking for true connection or if he's full of crap? In this episode, we're talking...

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Does He Need the Chase? (And big announcement!!) [Podcast EP 51] breakups dating advice dating coach dating expert gumball love marriage advice podcast red flags relationship advice relationship coach relationship expert self care self love singles advice Oct 28, 2019

Today I will be announcing a BIG EXCITING announcement about the Back to YOU Academy and membership program!! Listen in for details:D

Also, I'll be addressing an interesting thing a dude said to one ...

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Why do we always attract the wrong guy? [Podcast EP 48] dating advice gumball love healing red flags relationship advice self care self love singles Oct 07, 2019

Why do we date the wrong guy over and over again? I've covered a lot in the past about why the bad guys (the Gumball Guys) act the way they do, but it's time to talk about YOU. There's two people invo...

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